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Community Banner


We are a critical friend to national and local charities, offering skills exchange’s and mutually beneficial opportunities to deliver better customer outcomes for all.

We empower colleagues to support causes which matter to them, offering volunteering days and opportunities to give.

We have a passionate team who support a multitude of charities that are often personally significant. From quiz fundraisers, running marathons on driveways, virtual cycle races to distant finish lines, volunteering at food banks and homeless projects, we are always challenging ourselves to do more.

Some of the many charities supported by Equiniti colleagues:

We are committed to helping young people develop, building strong partnerships with local schools and colleges.

Our community activities look to support social mobility and education. We regularly support careers activities in schools including:

  • Work experience placements;
  • Sponsoring school fundraising activities;
  • Partnering to run employability workshops, and;
  • Celebrating events such as International Women’s Day together.

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