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2023 CGPro Network Monthly Update

31 January 2023


Welcome to our first update for 2023! We hope you’ve all had a relaxing break and are settling into what promises to be another year full of activity!

Anne Marie Clark Anne-Marie Clarke Head of Corporate Governance

Since our last update, we’ve been busy with more external events. EQ was delighted to present at the recent London Stock Exchange Remuneration and Governance Update webinar together with Alvarez & Marsal. This was a good opportunity for us all to reflect on what we have seen during 2022 and consider what is to come for 2023. Another event turned our attention to IPOs and saw our involvement in the LSE IPO Forum, with us providing our EQ perspective on what companies and directors can consider as part of the pre and post IPO process.

We’ve also introduced two new members to our Corporate Governance team, who will no doubt be introducing themselves in future updates and building relationships with you as part of what we do.

And importantly you will see a new look and feel to our monthly updates, with our focus clearly on supporting you, and looking at ESG matters from different perspectives.

If you would like to know more about the CGPro Network, or require support and advice on any ESG topic, please do contact us here.

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To access the Governance Update Series, please visit here.

A Time For Reflection

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning” – Albert Einstein

2023 – A New Year, A New Start

From EQ, we’d like to introduce our newly focussed monthly update – focussed on our CGPro Network, a network which we consider you to be a part of. As a reminder, ‘CGPro’ is a shortened form of Corporate Governance Professional, and ‘network’ reflects you all being part of the activities we undertake to support you all.

CGPro Network Mission Statement

“To promote an inspiring network and support system for corporate governance professionals. The network encourages open discussion, debate and critical thinking of topical issues. It provides a diverse and inclusive environment for voicing opinions and ideas, towards enriching collective knowledge in the areas of corporate governance, stewardship and ESG.”

Programme of Activities

So how do we intend to meet our mission statement?

Firstly, we’ll be picking up on some of the key findings from our survey from September 2022. If there’s anything that piqued your interest, please do send us a message and we’ll incorporate that in a future update.

Secondly, we will continue with our monthly updates, focussed on subjects we believe will be of interest to you, with some regular spots for preparing ourselves for the AGM season e.g. our Proxy Advisor policy updates and our AGM season forecast, and then taking time to reflect on what we have seen with our Mid-Season reviews.

Thirdly, we’ll be looking forward to delivering our regular Q1 webinar! Watch this space for registration details coming soon!

Importantly, we’re always keen to hear from you so if there is anything you’d like us to cover, or do to help support you all, please let us know.

Introducing EQ Advisory

2022 saw a year of change for the EQ business. As part of this we’d like to introduce you to the broader EQ Advisory business.

Steve Harris became Managing Director for the EQ Advisory business during 2022. Focussed on supporting corporate governance and investor relations objectives, the business area - under Steve’s leadership - brings together the brands of Boudicca (proxy solicitation and corporate governance advisory), Prism CoSec (Company Secretarial Services) and RD:IR (investor relations).

When I asked Steve what he was looking forward to he commented “The individual teams are collaborating and pooling knowledge to support our clients and demonstrate the value that all three areas can bring. With many business-wide initiatives underway we look forward to delivering enhanced value in the form of advice, new products and developments in technology.”

We would now like to introduce the three business areas, all providing interlinking and connected advisory support. I took time to ask each of my colleagues a few key questions (and considered these myself).

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Preparing For The AGM Season – Proxy Advisor Policy Updates

Revised 2023 policy guidelines

All of the main Proxy Advisors (PAs) evaluate their respective guidelines on an ongoing basis and formally update them on an annual basis. This year they have made noteworthy revisions throughout their guidelines. The current status of the updated guidelines is below. We have summarised key topics where notable changes have been made to the guidelines, to draw to your attention. These include the topics of: executive remuneration, climate accountability, cyber risk oversight and board diversity. For full details of the policy wording, please use the links provided below.

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Climate Update – COP26, 27 And Beyond

In her commentary, Patricia Aizpurua Martin - Corporate Governance Manager - cites the compelling words of the COP26 President.

“Today, we can say with credibility that we have kept 1.5 degrees within reach. But, its pulse is weak.”

“And it will only survive if we keep our promises. If we translate commitments into rapid action. If we deliver on the expectations set out in this Glasgow Climate Pact to increase ambition to 2030 and beyond. And if we close the vast gap that remains, as we must.”

“Because as Prime Minister Mia Mottley told us at the start of this conference, for Barbados and other small island states, “two degrees is a death sentence” “

- COP26 President Alok Sharma

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