EQ ICS is proud to have played a key role in supporting the ONS by managing and maintaining the technical Secure Research Service (SRS) infrastructure required to help ONS carry out vital analysis of its Coronavirus Infection Survey data and other COVID-19 related analysis.
Having been engaged with the ONS over a number of years as a managed service provider for the SRS, EQ ICS help keep systems operational. This includes the management of over 30 virtual servers, storing over 35TB of business-critical information and de-identified data on the UK Cloud network. This information collected has been no more important than throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, as researchers have analysed the Coronavirus Infection Survey data to make weekly findings available to the public and to the UK Government to inform decisions that have affected daily life since the pandemic begun.
Keeping things running in the background for the ONS in a secure manner, including services to enable the management of users to the system, which can involve up to 600 researchers annually, has been of critical importance at a time of national crisis. EQ ICS is responsible for backing up the data, across two geographically displaced data centres and are on hand to assist with urgent change requests from the ONS, remaining proactively involved via a service desk.
EQ ICS and Toplevel Sales Director Stuart Gunning said: “If ever there has been a time to take pride in your work, this has been it.
Working with the ONS has been fulfilling during challenging circumstances and our team has done an exemplary job, moving at great pace to meet the changing and at times challenging requirements asked of us.
I’m very proud of the work we have carried out and to have been able play our small part in the effort to overcome this pandemic.”
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Equiniti ICS works in partnership with public sector organisations across the UK and Ireland helping them to deliver digital transformation objectives. To find out more about how we can help you, and your team, please get in touch by filling out the form below.